Practice details, information about our Practice team and our opening times are all published on our website. This information can be accessed via the About Us page.
The Practice receives money from NHS Wales according to its contract for national General Medical Services in exchange for services provided for patients.
This information can be obtained on written request to the Practice Manager by writing to Bronyffynnon Surgery, 24 Bridge Street, Denbigh, Denbighshire, LL16 3TF or by hand delivering a written request to our Reception Team. Alternatively, please contact our Reception Team on 01745 814422 if you have any queries.
There may be circumstances where material cannot be released because it is confidential or commercial information or the appropriate officer designated for these purposes, under the Act, has taken the view that it may be prejudicial to the conduct of the Practice’s affairs.
If this is the case, we will respond to your FOI request with a formal letter acknowledging the reasons why we are unable to give you this information.
The Practice hold a meeting to discuss clinical aspects of the surgery every Thursday morning, that is made up of all the partners, salaried GP's, and nursing team.
The Practice holds a meeting every Thursday afternoon to discuss the business aspects of the practice, comprising of the GP Partnership & Practice Manager.
Decisions affecting the provision of NHS services are recorded. These are available on written request (any information which is commercially sensitive or falls under the Data Protection Act is excluded). The Practice Manager can be contacted at These minutes cover a wide variety of topics including confidential patient information which is why we are not able to provide copies of the minutes.
Our policies and procedures are published on our website. These can be accessed via the Practice Policies page.
None held.
The services we offer are published on our website. Details on the services we offer can be found via our Clinics and Services page.